Christmas Services at Brooklawn Methodist Church
Sunday December 22, 2024
9:30am Sunday School for all ages (Adult Sunday School begins at 10am)
11:00am Morning Worship "The Song of the Angels"
6:00-8:00pm 47th Annual Living Nativity - outside on church front lawn (refreshments served inside)
Tuesday December 24, 2024 Christmas Eve
4:00pm Daylight Family Christmas Eve Service - especially for families with young children
7:30pm Traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Sunday December 29, 2024
9:30am Sunday School for all ages (Adult Sunday School begins at 10am)
11:00am Morning Worship "The Song of the Simeon"
no evening worship
Men's Group
Women's Group
College and Young Adult
Career & Young Family Adults
Sunday School for All Ages
Youth Groups
Men’s Group: The Brooklawn UMC Men’s Fellowship meets on the second Saturday of each month for breakfast at 8:30am. All men and boys are invited to come for a great time of eating, fellowship, a devotional time including singing and sharing from God’s Word, and an activity. Our monthly activities vary from some “manly” games, to constructing (and “de-constructing”) the stable for the church’s Living Nativity scene, to our Missions breakfast, to our annual fundraiser for a special project. It’s a great time for sharing among the males of the church! The men also cook and serve for the two women’s dinners: during February’s mission month and the Mother/Daughter dinner in May.
Women’s Group: The United Methodist Women have a rich history of service, mission, and fellowship in and through our church. The Ladies meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. According to their purpose statement, the women meet “to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.” As a result, the women meet for times of sharing and for support of the church’s mission and ministry. In addition to their monthly meetings, the women host several events to raise mission and ministry funds: a Peach Festival in September, a Holly Fair in November, and an Indoor Yard sale and Bake Sale in April. All women are invited to come and enjoy the fellowship and be involved in reaching out to the world through the UMW.
College and Young Adult: Our college and post-college young adults have a Sunday School class of their own at 9:30am Sunday mornings. Wayne C. Hill is the new leader of this group as they seek to integrate faith and action with lively discussions. This group also meets each Sunday evening for "707" starting with a great time of worship at 7:07pm. A new Prayer time has also just begun on Tuesday nights at Ray & Denise Dobbins' house. Give them a call for more info: 456-4622.
Career & Young Family Adults
Our newest age related ministry is a Sunday School class for career youngadults and family-oriented young adults. As someone described it, “Thisis not your parents Sunday School class!” With relevant materialfor where you are, Glenn & Ginger Grant lead this group at 9:30am.
Sunday School for All Ages: Our Sunday School ministry has classes for all ages from a Primary class for 2-5 year olds, through all children’s ages to our High School class, College and Career class, and two adult classes. Solid Bible teaching is available as well as times for singing together. Join us for this time of laying a foundation for life, Sunday mornings from 9:30 – 10:40am. Would you like to go on-line for Sunday School during the week? Click the logo for some fun activities to do!
Senior High Youth Group: Our active Senior UM Youth Fellowship group is for youth, grades 10-12. They meet Sunday evenings for "707" (starting of course at 7:07pm!) and are led by Ray and Denise Dobbins. Besides their weekly meeting, a wide variety of activities are also part of their fellowship– times which include retreats, game nights, outings (to concerts, games, and youth gatherings), pool parties, and mission projects.
Junior High Youth Group: Our active Junior High UM Youth Fellowship group is for youth, grades 7-9. They meet Sunday evenings for "707" (they begin together with the Senior High group at 7:07pm) and are led by Sue Siegfried and Lindsay Kramer. Besides their weekly meeting, a wide variety of activities are also part of their fellowship– times which include retreats, game nights, outings (to concerts, games, and youth gatherings), pool parties, and mission projects. It’s a great time to be a young person!
Junior Youth Group: Junior UM Youth Fellowship is for kids in 4th - 6th grades and meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 - 8:00pm. They are led by Michelle Cesaro. Currently their schedule includes three weekly meetings per month and a Friday night activity on the other week each month (the Friday after the second Tuesday).
Kids Club: Kids Club runs from January through just before Easter each year for children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade on Thursday evenings from 6:30 - 7:30pm. It’s a fast paced hour of singing, memory verses, story time and a craft or other activity. What a great way to learn and grow together in the Lord!
Brooklawn UMC Christian Nursery School: Our church Nursery School was founded in 1974 as a ministry to our community and surrounding area for pre-school aged children. Our mission continues today in a half day, three days a week school which gives a great Christian foundation for their years in school. Our certified Christian Nursery School meets 9:00 - 11:30am Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from September to May. The low cost of $25.00 per week is part of our ministry to our area.
Nursery during Morning Worship: In our desire to transition children into worship, we provide a pre-school Nursery (up to age 5) during the morning worship service at 11:00am Sunday. Children are brought up from the Nursery to join the rest of the children of the church for the Children’s time during the service and given an activity bulletin after the Pastor has shared with them. We also subscribe to a monthly publication by Upper Room Press called “Pockets” which is available for those interested.